Her earns must have been burning....
Yes she is at it again, just when you thought it was safe to go home again. The story: Steve had some continuing education to do so we went down to Fallbrook this week for Monday-Wednesday. We ate dinner with mom and dad on Monday night, and what do I find in the chicken noodle casserole? Yes, it is true, zucchini! There was no hiding under chicken or noodles, just out in the open zucchini. Dad was not to happy, he wondered if zucchini can ever be good tasting. I was a bit afraid to eat the brownies, who knew what might be in them. Ever here of zucchini brownies? But I could relax, they came from Paula's. So just to let all of you know, the "Zucchini Queen" still reigns. Kathryn, be aware, be very aware.