Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Scott's turning 21!
Here are 21 reasons why we love Scott

1. What's not to love ................ 2.He's cute

4.Looked good in a bathing suite 5.A great goalie

6.Liked soccer..................... 7. He used to smile

8.Loved baseball....................... 9.Had fun everywhere

10. Looks great in a tux......... 11. Liked going to church

12. Liked hiking with his brother......13. Loved Yosemite

14. Liked fishing with 15. Kind of liked piano lessons
his brother-in-law

16. Likes Lake Powell............17. Wanted to be a missionary

18. Still a great kicker......19. An example to all on the team

20. He loves life.....................21. He loves Brazil
Scott turns 21 on Sunday, I know he would love to hear from you, send him a birthday greeting he reads his mail on Monday, his P-Day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw-w-w-w-w...such great pictures. I remember him as a little guy. He was 3 years old when we moved into the ward and now look at him all grown up and serving a mission! :)

Taylor wants to ride in the truch

At Mt. Rushmore

Devils Tower Wyoming