He's Back........
Scott is now home! It is wonderful to have him back, still the same kid who left, but in so many other ways, a very different young man. He seems a bit thinner, but that will change soon if I keep making a different dessert every night. I'm saving the triffle for next Sunday, when everyone comes to hear him talk in Sacrament meeting. He sometimes wonders around the house just looking at things, it is funny when he takes a shower you can hear him really enjoying it; like he hasn't taken a real shower in two years! His English is pretty good but he sometimes struggles to find the right word to say. He did a good job Saturday night at Stake conference. You could see him trying to find the right English word for his testimony. One reason it took so long to make this blog, I now am sharing my computer with him, I had to kick him off to write this.
He has grown into a fine young man and had a good mission experience. We are lucky to have him for our son.
He has grown into a fine young man and had a good mission experience. We are lucky to have him for our son.
Scott did a wonderful job in Conference last night. What a handsome man he has become...to bad I don't have any more daughters:)
Scott did a great job last night! he looks really good and it is great to have him home. Can't wait to hear him speak in church! Let me know which nights you are having which desserts...i'll be over! ha ha...
Welcome home Scott. We can't wait to see you on Saturday. I hope your golf game hasn't suffered too much, Ryan is looking to win this time.
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